- Logistics - road transport
- Logistical services - railways
- Logistical services - air freight
- Logistical services - sea transport
- Cargo handling and storage
- Brokers, customs
- Transport equipment
- Deep-sea transport
- Freight, air
- Shipment - road transport
- Courier services, express delivery
- Marine surveyors
- Emergency road service, roadside assistance
- Other transport activity
- Logistics - road transport
- Logistical services - railways
- Logistical services - air freight
- Logistical services - sea transport
- Cargo handling and storage
- Brokers, customs
- Transport equipment
- Deep-sea transport
- Freight, air
- Shipment - road transport
- Courier services, express delivery
- Marine surveyors
- Emergency road service, roadside assistance
- Other transport activity
Articles, publications, companies profiles
Multimodal Transport
Explanation of the concept of multimodal transport from the Polish carrier Speed Truck...
Why is it Worth Insuring Oversized Cargo?
Is it worth purchasing insurance for oversized cargo?
Road vs. rail transportation - what are the advantages of each?
Road and rail transportation are currently the most widely used ways to transport cargo domestically...
Why have Polish carriers become so popular?
Discover the secret of success behind Polish carriers!
Fructus Transport - A Modern Transport Company with Years of Tradition
Our modern management solutions, support of innovative IT systems...
Choose a Polish carrier
The strategies of Polish carriers may be diverse because they depend on many factors...
Effective Car Sharing Management: The Role of CRM Systems
Car sharing is a short-term car rental business model that has been...
Cross boarder heavy duty transport, from the Czech mountains to the banks of the Tisza
In March and April, Universal Transport took over the delivery of three distillation...
News and events
View all newsTransport to Lithuania. Fast and Efficient Transport from Poland to Lithuania
What are the most important transport routes in Lithuania, and what is their significance for transport between...
Transport to Portugal. Transport from Poland to Portugal
What products does Poland most often transport to Portugal, and what products does it import from Portugal by road?
Grain Transport: International Grain Transport
Grain transport is a key element of agricultural logistics and raw material trade in Poland and globally.
Transport from and to the Czech Republic. Modern transport Poland-Czech Republic-Poland
Transport between Poland and the Czech Republic is a crucial component of international logistics and freight forwarding
Transport to Germany. International Transport to Germany
Polish freight transport to Germany is becoming more and more diverse and competitive
Export Customs Clearance: Required Documents and Key Applications
What documents are crucial in the process of export customs clearance in Poland?
Transport to Poland. Transport from Poland. Transport within Poland
Why do Polish transport companies dominate the European logistics market?
Transport of Food. Demanding Food Transport
What requirements must transport vehicles for food transport under controlled temperatures meet?
Transport of Excavators: How to Transport Excavators?
The transportation of excavators is a specialized logistical process that requires precise planning...
Transport to the United Kingdom. Transport Poland - UK - Poland
What types of freight transport are most commonly used in Poland - United Kingdom transport?
FTL: What is FTL in Logistics?
How do Polish companies perform in the FTL sector internationally?
Transport of Fruits: At What Temperature Are Fruits Transported?
Fruits are most commonly transported at temperatures ranging from 0°C to 15°C, depending on the species...
Featured companies the transport industry
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Do You know that
Transport in the definition in economics means realizing transport tasks for payment, which effect is to be transport of materials and people and providing accessory services, that are connected with the transport. Transport services and transport contribute to effective and efficient work of all branches of national industry. Together with social and economic growth of specified areas and countries transport states the cell that enhances economic development of the specific country. To the basic tasks of transport as the element creating the national income belong: shaping the spatial order in economy, realization of trading, influencing the dynamics of development of production of various transactions. Since every business is preceded by transport activity, e.g. Delivery of materials, raw materials and at the same time causing defined side effects, that is products or wastes removal, etc. Poland has got well developed transportation system, and transport has become one of the most important branches of polish economy. Polish transport companies are the one that besides their own transport within the country run mostly international transportation, especially transit towards south-north and east-west and opposite.
International transport in the definition in case of Poland means transport of goods when the place of the departure (sending) of the parcel is Poland territory, and the place of arrival (destination) is beyond the Community territory (e.g. Ukraine), We also deal with international transport in case when the place of sending the parcel is territory beyond European Union (e.g. Russia) and the place of receiving the good is on Poland territory. International transport takes also place when transport that was sent from beyond Community territory (e.g. Belarus) to the place of destination also beyond Community territory (e.g. Serbia), and the route ran in certain section in Poland territory. When the transport begins on the territory of the member countries different than Poland (e.g. Spain) and finishes beyond Community territory (e.g. Switzerland), or transport begins beyond Community territory (e.g. Albania) and finishes on territory of member state different than Poland (e.g. Italy) and its route in certain section runs in Poland it states international transport, as well.
Oversized transport is a transport of cargo, which size and weight exceed permitted legal standards determined for vehicles driving on roads. In order to clarify the difference, when the oversized transport, and when the standard transport is performed, it can be assumed that oversized transport operations are the ones exceeding in general the following dimensions: height of 4.00 m, total length of 16.50 m, width of 2.50 m, and most frequently 42 tons of total weight. Recently several foreign companies, as well as Polish transport operators specialising in this type of transport established in Poland its branches.
Specialised transport is another term for oversized transport. But while the definition of oversized transport tells us about the dimensions of transported cargo, specialised transport is the carriage of high-volume load via the previously selected optimum route, avoiding various sorts of obstacles on the roads. Foreign, as well as Polish transport companies handling that type of carriage must hold appropriate special permits, which - if necessary - allow them to use i.e.: police escort, pilot services, disassembly services of street lamps or traffic lights, etc.
Refrigeration transport is primarily used for the transport of food and some pharmaceuticals. Refrigeration carriage and transport is performed with the use of refrigerated trucks, which guarantee that appropriate temperature will be maintained during transport. Both in Poland, as well as worldwide, refrigeration transport is the basic link in the cooling chain and its goal is to provide customers with safe, high quality products, despite their short durability.
ADR transport is also referred to as the transport of toxic and dangerous materials, and it includes primarily the carriage of liquid, caustic and dry goods, such as: fuels, gases and transport of various types of hazardous waste, even radioactive waste. One should remember though that dangerous goods are also such materials and items, which carriage, in accordance with applicable laws, is prohibited or allowed only upon conditions determined in ADR provisions. ADR is a European agreement regarding international road transport of dangerous goods.
Vehicle transport is one of transport types, based on carriage of goods and individuals with the use of various vehicle kinds. The advantage of this transport type is the possibility to bring the passenger or re-locate the load directly to the destination. The major disadvantage of vehicle transport in Poland is its power-consuming feature, that is prices of fuels and depreciation of the vehicle itself, as well as detrimental influence on environment. It is becoming easier for the reason of well developed and still growing system of roads.
Road transport is the in-land transport of passengers and goods via roads constructed for this purpose. Carriage is performed with the use of appropriate car units, such as: refrigeration trucks, trailer, tanks, tarpaulin trucks, as well as special units for the transport of cargo and goods, the so-called cargo road transport. Road transport services are also performed with the use of passenger cars, such as: buses and passenger cars, used for transporting people - which is the so-called passenger road transport. In Poland this segment of transport is very well developed.
Air transport's characteristic feature is its capacity to carry relatively small batches of products of a specific natural, technical and economic susceptibility. There are however two positive aspects of air transport, which support its use: firstly, it is offering the best performance in time, especially on long distances. Secondly, safety of cargo carriage is very high, which is particularly important in case of products sensitive to such conditions as the transport duration, humidity or shocks. We can distinguish two types of air transport: cargo transport and passenger transport. In Poland it is necessary to use transfer services to and from airports, for the reason of a relatively low number of operating airports.
Sea transport is the capacity to handle mass carriage of cargo of the widest transport susceptibility by water ways. This type of transport is characterised with a relatively low carriage cost, however the time needed for delivery of cargo to the recipient is extended, and it is also necessary to use other, additional kinds of transport to make the shipment reach its appointed destination. We distinguish: container sea transport, cargo sea transport and passenger sea transport. For the reason of its geographical location and access to the Baltic Sea Poland is very frequently using this kind of transport.
Railways and railway transport are a type of in-land transport, which route is determined by rail roads. It is a characteristic feature of this transport, because carriages used in this transport variation can drive only along the designated track. Railway transport is used both for the carriage of individuals (passenger transport, including: international railways, national, inter-regional and suburban railways), as well as goods (the so-called cargo railway transport). Polish railway system is very well developed and it is to a large extent used for cargo transport.