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- Logistical services - sea transport
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Our partners in Poland
Poland-Transport would like to invite all internet thematic websites, as well as all other traditional media with a similar profile of activity, to enter partner exchange or cooperation in the group of our portals.
If you are interested in receiving more detailed information concerning the cooperation with all our Partners, please contact our office through the contact form available here.
All our partners are offered interesting possibilities of the mutual promotion of the conducted business activity on the Internet.
PolandPortal spozywczy is dedicated to food trade, especially the management Staff of the companies active in the following sectors: dairy, meat, fruit and vegetable. Topical services were enriched by information and advice connected with trade, new technologies, logistics, finances, law and employment market. Publishing trade news, analysis, reports, ratings and comments of the leading specialists, the portal is a specific diary for the participants of the food market.
WWWPolandPortal dla Pracownika –
The Portal for an employee is a website about employers directed at employees. The basis for functioning of the portal is above all the evaluation of employers and placing comments and opinions about them. Except the abovementioned functions, the website allows you to track information related to the created rankings of the best employers in Poland and in the world. You can learn about the specificity of the best functioning and the most prestigious companies in the world.
WWWPolandPortal dla handlu
The service is dedicated to the entrepreneurs, shop owners, trade unit managers, salespeople, marketing and advertisements specialists, and all those who every Day work in servicing sector and those who in future want to try their strengths in sales. portal means information about the trade life and new products. Thanks to trade news, analysis, reports, ratings and leading specialists’ comments, the portal becomes a handbook for shop managers and the encyclopaedia of trade knowledge. is a portal of promotion and commercial character. The service presents offers sections for tradesmen, commercial offers, training and vindication sections. It includes a wide section of training articles, publishes press information and announcements promoting products, companies and institutions. T includes up-to-date information on current economic events.
Here you will find manufacturers of packages, manufacturers of machines and devices used for producing packages, companies engaged in recycling, and related services too. If you look for package for product visit us! is a web portal of the heating industry. On the website one can find the information concerning the state-of-the-art technologies used in the heating industry. You will also find companies that will help you with choosing the heating devices installation. There are many services on the website that contribute to the increase of profits of the website users.
WWWPolandOferty pracy is a new, dynamically growing announcement portal, enabling to find employment and employees quickly. The main aim of the portal is to create an extensive base of job offers and CVs of those who are looking for a job, and making it available to all users free of charge. The portal was prepared in such a way to be user friendly, with an intuitive handling enabling to save some time. Apart from that, one can enter an interesting forum and exchange experiences concerning jobs with many people, use wage calculator, CV creator and take advantage of many other possibilities. Feel free to check it out!
Service of real-estate branch gathering estate agents, housing co-operatives, architecture experts and geodesy branch and many other.
Here you will find companies engaged in metalwork, constructing tools and sales of them. service introduces also casting companies and firms engaged in delivering high quality machine.
Internet portal for the motor and finance trade. This connection gives us the possibility to present vehicles, machines and devices in connection with the tools of their financing. We hope for your co-operation in the range of informing us about trade meetings and sending information to us.
Portal gathers companies mediating in trade of metals, more over service introduces companies engaged in metal founding, scrap metal purchasing, treatment and many other.
WWWPolandMeble w pigułce
Theme, branch and free furniture catalogue with links directly to your website.
Here you will find account offices, book-keeping and companies engaged in tax consulting. You will also find companies engaged in selling and introducing software for account service of the company. is a web portal of the chimneysweep industry. It gathers the companies selling, producing and distributing the systems of chimney accessories as well as companies renovating, cleaning chimney flues and ventilation ducts. The effective advertising of the website on the Internet results in the fact that the website is frequently visited thanks to which the companies being the active users of the website reach customers effectively and find recipients of their products and services.
Together with services and they state coherent whole and they are good base for those who search branch information. Air-conditioning and related services – these are what you can find in this service.
WWWHelp needed ?
If you have not found the desired freight, an available truck or a suitable transport and forwarding company, or the search results are not satisfactory for you, do not hesitate to write to us to tell what you are looking for. We will send your inquiry directly to transport companies.
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